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about us

cloth or disposables?
these parents said
neither thank you

watch the gCycle video

In 2002, pregnant with their first child, Jason & Kim Graham-Nye learned 300,000 disposable diapers are thrown away every minute around the world!

Before they new it, dirty diapers; the waste they create; and how to fix them, became their life’s work.

gDiapers launched the “hybrid diaper” in 2005 with the world’s first Cradle to Cradle Certified disposable insert that tucked inside soft cotton gPants. They added cloth inserts to their range and launched gNappies in the UK and Europe in 2013.

After almost 19 years, Jason & Kim's passion to eliminate plastic diaper waste from the planet is still irrepressible and if it is up to them...diapers will no longer be a dirty word!

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our philosophy around people, planet & profit

fair dinkum 
it's our true bottom line

An Aussie expression for “keeping it real’ and being genuine with everyone you meet. 
To us, it means being good citizens.  Working together.  Showing integrity.  Helping everybody equally.
Fair dinkum has also always been your guarantee of well-designed, well-made products. Made in a way that’s fair to the planet and the folks who live here. 
It’s our true bottom line- Down Under and all over. 

we couldn't have done it without you

for the love of g

For over 16 years the gCommunity has brought together parents who, like us, believed there was a better way to diaper our children.  In finding g, many also found their tribe and before long, gDiapers was hosting gTeas with gMums and gBabies, designing gBags (with a 294 person design team!), partnering with "g official UpCyclers", and supporting the community lead Good Vibes campaigns for our gPeeps in need.  

Of course we are proud of our diapers and the impact they have had on the planet, but its the gMums & Dads who deserve the credit for gs success!

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